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讲座主题::Basics offuzzy - Representation and reasoning

主讲嘉宾:苏顺丰教授、博士生导师、IEEE Fellow




苏顺丰,台湾科技大学,教授、博士生导师,IEEE Fellow、CACS Fellow、IFSA Fellow,

受邀担任IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics、IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy SystemssEEE Access和informationScience的编委以及International Journal of Fuzzy Systems主编,现任IEEE SystemMan and CyberneticsSociety杰出讲座计划主席和管理委员会成员、匈牙利奥布达大学名誉教授,曾任IEEESMC学会杰出讲师计划主席、国际模糊系统协会主席、IEEESMC学会青

年专业人员小组委员会主席和IEEE SMC协会政管理委员会成员。苏顺丰教授长期从事于机器人、智能控制理论与应用、智能家居、智能交通系统、优化技术等研究工作,获得2020年台湾科技杰出研究奖,获得2015年IEEE Transaction onCybernetics最佳副主编奖,已发表超过300篇期刊及会议论文。


Fuzzy has been widely mentioned in various approaches and applications. In this lecture, I intend to introduce the fundamental ideas about fuzzy. Fuzzy is related to uncertainties. To process it, it needs a way of representing uncertainties and a mechanism of handling them. Thus, in the lecture, I shall introduce some ideas about uncertainty representation and reasoning based on the concept of fuzzy. The contents covered in this lecture is very basic. Hopefully, they can stimulate your interests in using fuzzy in your future work.

发布时间:2022-05-11 14:49:26