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学术讲座——Naturally Induced Slug Loadings in Offshore Pipelines

讲座题目Naturally Induced Slug Loadings in Offshore Pipelines

主讲嘉宾Loh Wai Lam




Loh Wai Lam,新加坡国立大学机械工程系副教授,威尼斯886699讲座教授,新加坡国立大学海洋工程研究中心海底工程实验室主任,美国油气工程师协会会员,英国注册工程师。Loh Wai Lam老师从事海洋油气研发,尤其是水下生产系统研究工作超过26年,具有丰富的油气开发工作经历和水下多相混输研究经验,目前在新加坡国立大学主持建设了亚洲地区仅有的一个海底工程多相流回路实验室。


Slug flow is a naturally induced flow regime in pipelines transporting any gas-liquid mixture. It can occur in any pipeline orientation, e.g. horizontal, vertical or inclined. This flow regime can also be induced through changes of inclination in any terrain. Slug flow can be characterized by a series of fast moving liquid-rich plugs (slugs) separated and driven by large gas-rich pockets behind them in the pipeline. The nature of such fast moving slugs flow regime results in high fluctuating impact load and flow induced vibration on pipelines and structures which can ultimately affect their system stability and integrity. Slug characteristics, i.e. slug length, frequency, velocities, etc., can vary significantly according to the superficial velocities of the gas and liquid and the pressure of the gas-liquid mixture. This inevitably affects the slug loading forces inside the pipelines. Experimental studies have been carried out in NUS using the Multiphase Flow Loop Test Facility to investigate and quantify the slug characteristics as well as the slug loading forces inside a horizontal pipeline. Results of this study will be presented together with high speed videos of the slug flow regime.

发布时间:2019-07-04 11:11:36